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Port St. Lucie
High-quality job creation is a priority for the City of Port St. Luicie. The Southern Grove Jobs Corridor is one of Florida’s unique job opportunity areas for large-scale manufacturing, logistics and retail development. It has the largest swath of development-ready vacant land in all of South Florida that fronts over 4 miles of Interstate 95, with interchanges at Tradition Parkway and Becker Road.
Nearly 80% of residents who participated in a statistically valid National Community Survey™ from 2018 through 2022 rated Port St. Lucie as an excellent or good place to live. Respondents’ evaluations for the overall quality of life, neighborhoods, the City as a place to retire, raise children and live — and the overall appearance and image — have each improved considerably since a baseline survey conducted in 2009. U.S. News & World Report ranked Port St. Lucie as the 23rd most desirable place to live in America in 2019. Port St. Lucie is the spring training home of the New York Mets, as well as home of the Florida Sports Hall of Fame.